Doing Diversity: Inspiration from European Media? 3.11.

Every company and every brand seems to present itself more diverse today than they did just a few years ago. So do many websites, newspapers and tv and radio programmes.

And yet, discrimination happens every day in the media: Editorial offices still focus on a rather privileged section of our society. People who are not white, male, straight or physically fit find themselves underrepresented and stereotyped in many media portrayals.

How can we fix that? In the German media landscape, various measures are being taken to make media and editorial offices more diverse. This seminar contains both a presentation of best practice in German media and interactive work. In the end, different approaches will be discussed, in order to help participants apply them directly in their editorial offices.

Binding registration for this event opens on this page on September 30. We welcome all SJL/UJF members. This event is a free of charge for participants, but kindly check your calendar before registration - and note that there is a 30 e fee for not attending the webinarium after registration. (In case of illness no fee is required.)


- Discrimination in our newsrooms and media: Collecting the participants’ experiences

- What are we talking about? Definitions of Discrimination and Diversity

- Facts & Figures: Gender equality in the German media

- Best practices: 2 to 3 examples in Germany, e.g. DER SPIEGEL

- Doing diversity: How to overcome common obstacles in our own practice and working environment

At the end of the seminar, participants will have …

  • Insight into the state of diversity development in German media companies
  • Insights in the state of diversity / discrimination in their colleagues' fields of work.
  • Concrete recommendations on how to improve diversity in their own publishing house and in their own reporting

For whom this seminar is suitable:

  • Permanent and freelance journalists for all media (print, online, tv, radio)
  • Editors on every level from beginners to decision makers
  • Media professionals who want to promote diversity in their teams and newsrooms
  • Media professionals who feel they need to address diversity but do not yet know how
  • Publishing staff who want to get an overview of ways media houses can become more diverse

About the Trainer

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Sara Mously is journalist, qualified psychologist and consultant for diversity communication. She was born in 1977, her mother is German, her father is a Saudi Arabian immigrant. 

Sara has worked for many different daily newspapers, magazines and NGOs. Among others she worked as an editor for the magazine GEO Saison at the publishing house Gruner+Jahr. Before that she was responsible for the travel department of the Lufthansa magazine family.

With increasing professional experience and through insights into internal editorial processes, it became clear to Sara how deep structural discrimination in the German media goes. So she decided to combine her knowledge from her psychology studies, her own experiences of discrimination and her journalism skills to do something about this problem and to found her second business: Now, as a consultant for diversity communication, she supports media professionals who want to address a more diverse audience. 

The webinar is produced in co-operation with Akademie für Publizistik.

Please read about our privace policy here

For more information please contact head of training nina.porra(at)


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3.11.2022 13:00
3.11.2022 16:00
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